Tesla is Breaking Breaking Barriers Beyond Their Zero-Emissions Reputation, Recognizing The Need For Speed!

Tesla, most recognized for their technological innovations in the advancement of lithium-ion battery powered vehicles, has surpassed another momentous landmark this month. Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently revealed that in a trial run administered by Motor Trend magazine, the Tesla's Model S P100D has officially claimed the crown as the fastest 0-60 production vehicle. This is a groundbreaking accomplishment not only for Tesla but for the entire electric auto manufacturing industry which has been trying to shake the image of their eco-friendly but sluggish performance vehicles. To become the fastest 0-60 vehicle Tesla had to beat out some fierce competition including the Ferrari LaFerrari who previously held the record at an astonishing 2.34 seconds. Tesla's Model S P100D ran the 0-60 in a jaw dropping 2.28 seconds.
The market for electric vehicles has historically been very small. Electric vehicles come with a hefty price tag and limited range of use. When consumers in the market are looking for a car that will cost them six digits or more they are typically also looking for some raw power to back up that price tag. Tesla can now fulfill this need and do so in the most eco-friendly way possible. No the Tesla Model P100D, with a price tag of $135,700, will not be an option for your average consumer, but it is sure to now capture the attention of fast car enthusiasts with money to spend. By achieving such a feat Tesla has expanded its target market.
There are still major obstacles to overcome before Tesla can gain a major foothold in the supercar market but this has surely opened the door. Major weaknesses include: limited driving distance, the inability to maintain power performance for extended periods of time without overheating the lithium-ion batteries, and slower 'top-end' performance. With this accomplishment behind them and their ability to constantly innovate Tesla is undoubtedly a supercar competitor to keep an eye on in the coming years.
Joseph Webb | MKTG3343
Article: What's the Latest Buzz in Electric Cars? Speed, Baby!
Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/whats-the-latest-buzz-in-electric-cars-speed-baby-1487953152#
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