Monday, December 12, 2016

Amazon is working on at least three grocery store formats

           Amazon, one of the major leaders of E-commerce, where almost anything and everything that you could want is available for purchase has just announced that it will be joining the grocery market. Amazon is working on a number of grocery store formats that will overcome the traditional formats we are all used to. So far it has released details on two of its current plans and they have us excited to see their ideas become a reality.
         The first of the two is Amazon Fresh, where you can go onto the Amazon app make a grocery store list of the items that you require and go through the whole purchasing process right through your phone. Once the Checkout is complete, the groceries will be delivered to your door in a matter of a few hours by a Amazon delivery truck who picks up all the items from local vendors.\
        The second is a bit more complex but much more exciting, Amazon wants to place physical stores in our communities where we would be able to walk in, grab what we need and walk out! Yes! just walk out, no lines, no waiting, no annoying checkout staff. The physical store would be equipped with an array of different technology to make this happen. You enter the store by scanning your phone at the door which allows the store to connect to your Amazon app. Once connected, you walk through the store and grab what you need off the shelves, all the items in the store have RFID chips which once picked up and placed into your cart, it is added directly to your virtual shopping bag on the Amazon App. Once you are done with your shopping all you have to do is walk out the front door and your amazon account is automatically charged for everything that was placed in your cart. This is an idea that might take some getting used to and will take a while to be implemented but it is something that I am looking forward to.
        This Article ties in with the new product chapter in our text, Amazon is releasing details about its new service and measuring just how much interest there is before it makes it happen. Once the physical stores are implemented it will have to market them through advertising and bring in customers.

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