Monday, March 4, 2019

Meal Subscription Service Freshly Hires Its New CMO From Spotify


Mayur Gupta - Former VP of Growth and Marketing at Spotify 

Meal Subscription Service Freshly Hires Its New CMO From Spotify

In order to move towards hopefully differentiating their service in a saturated market by choosing to add a member to their team with unique and valuable experience, Freshly (a 100% fresh - not frozen - and diverse diet friendly prepared meal delivery service - as opposed to meal kit service)  has recently hired a new Chief Marketing Officer - a prior Spotify executive. I am constantly looking for a more efficient and cost effective way to prepare and purchase groceries - and am an avid fan of Spotify, so this article caught my immediate attention. I have personally purchased Spotify products and observed their marketing plan, (it is multi faceted and cultivates existing customers with personalized incentives and discounts for keeping their service - even on the verge of discontinuing) and believe new Freshly CMO Mayur Gupta could truly provide Freshly with some unique strategies aimed at gaining a highly sought after millennial target market and other lost meal-kit customers - as Spotify's methods often appear to do very well in their defined target markets with acute personalization and proximity to interest.  Startups like Freshly have seen much varied experience in this highly complicated and competitive saturated market of grocery and food delivery - and one currently being actively eyed even by big movers such as Amazon, who desires to expand their fresh product delivery services within the coming years. Gupta stated, regarding the move, "There’s a massive evolution happening from the meal-kit space that everybody thought could disrupt the category and really drive convenience,”... “As things go along, there’s the realization that it isn’t really that convenient."  Also, Gupta looks to enter the consumer packaged foods (CPF) market unique to many of Freshly's competition - currently shared with large established firms such as Nestle, Proctor and Gamble, and Tyson Foods. This employment by Freshly represents the desire to capture valuable experience gained from working in a subscription service environment. As Freshly is also a subscription based service, Gupta will likely have plenty of valuable input to provide on several aspects of the marketing plan which are specific to these types of services.

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