Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Problems Sleeping with your Significant Other?

Problems Sleeping with your Significant Other?

To all the couples out there that do share a bed every night together, you all know very well the pros and cons of that experience. While it is nice to have someone next to you to cuddle, small nuisances like snoring, unbalanced sharing of the blankets, or possibly the bed itself can lead to a negative nightly slumber. "In a 2012 National Sleep Foundation survey, 1,000 adults aged between 25 and 55 ranked the factors most important for their best night’s sleep. One can almost see the pillows sailing while reading the list: room temperature, noise and the number of blankets piled on the bed rated high."

Here are some ways you can improve your nightly experience with your partner:
1. ThisWorks Sleep Plus Spray: Using lavender, vetiver, chamomile, and more essential oils, this spray can improves quality and length a user's sleep. Price: ~$46  https://www.thisworks.com/us

2.  The Magic Blanket: This blanket is weighted and acts like a blanket that you would use for infants. This "magical" blanket claims to help you snooze within minutes. Price: ~$109 https://magicweightedblanket.com/

3. Somnox Sleep Robot: A body pillow that mimics the breathing of a human for those who want the comfort of the living but their partner doesn't want to cuddle. This pillow is fuzzy too! Price: ~$549 https://somnox.nl/

4. ZEEQ Smart Pillow: Raises a sleeper's head when the pillow detects snoring with built-in microphones. Price: ~$200 https://rem-fit.com/

While many of these companies are offering these products, they should consider their target market's budget and willingness to pay for such services or products. I personally wouldn't spend this much money on these products unless I have insomnia. I usually look at reviews on products too so they should show good reviews/bad reviews on their websites.


  1. These creations are very cool ideas however I do not think these products are for everyone. Some may think these products are weird but others may enjoy them. If I were to get one of these products for myself it would either be the blanket or the Spray.

  2. These products are unsought specialties that definitely serve a purpose to people who have trouble sleeping or would like to enhance their sleep and be better rested. I like that their colors include blue and purple; lavender is a color and fragrance that has been tied to better rest for a long time. The idea of introducing technology to help my sleep is a little too sci-fi for me and personally, these are out of my price point but I do think these products sell themselves for those willing to try them. I'll stick to snuggling for now!
