Saturday, April 21, 2018

Why Parents Are Fans of Games Like 'Fortnite'

There is something familiar about a parent hating the idea that their children play video games instead of going outside and spending time with friends.  Both playing a videogame and socializing can be done thanks to a video game called Fortnite which parents are beginning to actually warm up to.  The game includes voicechat where you can speak to your friends and others about making up a strategy to fulfull the game goal.  This game isn't new to the idea of voicechat, World of Warcraft from previous years has done so, but it has revolutionized the way we play games with its core concept.  Any person can join in and have a blast.  Parents are even encouraging their kids to connect with friends.  The games popularity itself is massive making it popular amongst gamers.

Another aspect that makes Fortnite popular amongst parents is the fact that it isn't violent at all.  It is a game which includes cartoony characters that run around a map and destroy each other before time runs out.  What also makes parents approve Fortnite even more than other social media plataforms is that it has the socializing aspect but it is also a game that is interactive.  It makes players work as a team and talk about soccer practice or school as well.  It is huge on the friend aspect where you can invite three people to join as a team to defeat a total of 100 players who are also teamed up.  Not only are Facebook or Instagram big on connecting people, games like Fortnite do as well.  There has been a case in particular where two boys, one from Chicago and another from New York, became real friends within the game and talked to their parents about meeting up in real life.  Fortnite is changing not only the video game landscape but the way we communicate in real life as well.  Now who would see the day that a parent encourages their kid to play video games?

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