With how badly Chipotle's businesses has been troubled with a constant issue with its food health safety and quality, the former giant Mexican food business seems to have finally turned itself around. With a fresh revamp of its kitchens and food supply, Chipotle is definitely finding ways to combat the mysterious E. Coli outbreaks that have been plaguing its food and business over these past months. Steve Ells, the owner of Chipolte, has been throwing himself into doing whatever he can to prove to fix his business in any way he can with these new changes. His actions prove that he deeply cares about the image of his business, going as far as to close any of his restaurants if he found them the tiniest bit dirty. While the drop of sales is steadily coming back up, Chipotle is still in a a bit of a crisis as the investigations on the E. Coli outbreak have given up without any leads as to where it may have originally came from. However, some analysts say that since Chipotle brings in fresh food instead of pre-packaged frozen ones, contamination is a lot easier for it due to this. While the investigations have stopped, it is still going to check any meats that come into its industry for any signs or stands of E. Coli anywhere on it as to make sure something like this never happens to it again. With everyone in Chipotle working hard to keep it clean and safe for both its employees and customers, everyone hopes that the outbreak doesn't occur again and that they will get back their prior customer base once more to a satisfactory level.
Hopefully there aren't anymore E. Coli outbreaks..I like Chipotle but hesitant BC of that
ReplyDeleteAfter this E coli break out, I have not been able to get myself back into a chipotle and I honesty don't think I ever will, it's not worth the risk to me. I think this E Coli outbreak is something they will never be able to run from, people will always remember that it happened at Chipotle.