Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Reducing Ad Time

Reducing Ad Time

Everyone knows what Ads are. If you are like me, you dread the moment a television channel starts running advertisements in the middle of your favorite show. There was a sudden trend of fewer Ads on TV. Most people do not enjoy watching Ads, so they switched over to ad-free streaming platforms. Netflix is the most popular ad-free streaming platform, and that is where many people choose to watch all of their shows and movies. What if you only had to watch two minutes of Ads for every hour of showtime? That would be great, and that is exactly what Fox is planning to do.

Currently, we are seeing an average of 13 minutes of ads for every hour of showtime. The idea of having two minutes of ads for every hour was from Joe Marchese, Fox Networks Group’s ad sales chief. He believes that there would be better value in commercials. He wants to provide more value by limiting commercials. Fox has to be careful with their ad revenue. They have to make sure that they are still making money off advertisements. Some companies might not want to pay a large amount of money for such a short amount of ad time. Fox already tried reducing ad time in FX Originals. They reduced the ad time by 75% and saw great brand lift. This proves that this works. Fox just has a lot of planning to do. They are trying to reach the goal of two minutes per hour by 2020. This will definitely please all of the viewers.

WSJ Link

Shawn Pham


  1. I think this is a great idea from Fox. When people are forced to see so many ads such as on Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram, people become desensitized to them and even mentally filter them out of their minds. By limiting the ad time, people are more likely to remember and pay attention to the ads as they do not see them as often.

  2. I too believe this is a great idea for Fox. For me, even the ads on YouTube are so annoying. I get excited every time I see the "Skip ad is 5 seconds" button. It is very unlikely that a person will want to sit through a whole ad, especially if it is something they are not interested in. If Fox were to lower the minutes of ads they show they would definitely gain more viewers.
