Its Wednesday evening and you have major plans for the weekend. You need an outfit quick but you don't have time to go from store to store at the mall so you get on your laptop and browse Zara's website for the perfect outfit. You select your items and realize that it wont get to you in time if you have it mailed to you so you select the "click and pick up in store" option. You get to the store only to realize you have to wait in Zara's infamous hour long lines and vow never to choose the "pick up in store" option again.
The "pick up in store" option has become a strong focus for many online retailers with a large percentage of those sales contributing to the overall online sales. The "pick up in store" option is a leg up for retailers against their mega competitor Amazon not only for convenience and faster delivery, but it also helps with in store sales. The idea is that if the customer is already in the store to pick up a purchase made online, they could maybe pick up an extra item or two while they are there. The downside is the long lines that inconveniences their customers and might deter them from using the "pick up in store" option.

Zara fashion has come up with a way to remedy that chaos. They plan to eliminate the need for human interaction with their "pick up in store" option by installing a robotic retrieval system in most of its stores that are being used as pick up locations. The robotic system will help pick up's become a much faster experience for Zara's customers which will help with the long lines and possibly promote even more sales. If the customer doesn't feel stressed out standing in a long line and can get to their package quickly, then they can have more time to shop while they are in the store.
So don't worry about those crazy lines and chaos at Zara's. You'll be able to get your inexpensive Spanish fashion much faster because robots are making shopping much more convenient and fun!
-Roxanne Cepeda
This is such good news to hear!!! The Zara at the Galleria has always had long lines, no matter if it was peak season or not. Every time i go shopping and want to shop at Zara, i stop myself because i know the long register line or the dressings room lines are not going to be worth what i find. Zara is the one store i will always try to avoid shopping/interacting in person because of the crazy lines. Hopefully these new robotic additions will ease the burden of shopping at Zara.