Given the demand for more music and high quality at that, Artists have adopted new strategies when it comes to releasing new music. With the sites Band Camp or TuneCore music is being released more frequently. The rapper Future released two number one albums within weeks. It has also become easy for any person to release unlimited music with soundcloud. The way records have been listened to in previous decades has changed drastically. Music and the way an artist makes it and
distributes it has evolved throughout the years. It's a mystery to see how it will continue to do so.
I agree with the exposure of so many different songs and music genres at my finger tips, it has led me to become a lot pickier with my music choices. It's no wonder artists have a hard time coming out with hit singles. It's great that sites such as soundcloud and TuneCore allow for artists to release unlimited music. I believe this is beneficial for both the user and the artist.