Monday, November 13, 2017

Oh Scrap!

The revenue America has gotten from recycling is no more. According to Joe Pickard: “We’re like the Saudi Arabia of scrap.” and the biggest buyer, China doesn’t want it anymore. A lot of people that use curbside recycling are not able to recycle anymore since the recycling trucks haven’t come to pick up the recycling waste. Recycling has been piled up at home and they gave up on recycling. It is due to the fact that there is no more space to put recycled items at.

The scraps were used to create new items in China and came back to America modified. However, since China's economy has grown and are focusing on environmental issues they don’t see the need to buy waste from other countries when they have a huge population from where to get scraps from. Meanwhile the U.S. is trying to find buyers for their scrap but, they know they wont find one like China. They are hopeful that China will realize they will still need to buy from the U.S. yet, they know have to face this issue now.

Here we can see how China is being more ecological and the U.S is more a consumer-like country. It would be helpful for the U.S. to shift targeting market towards other countries and it’s own country while also helping the environment and perhaps making resources cheaper in creating different kinds of products.

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