Sunday, November 5, 2017

Ski Resorts That Entice In the Summer

Ski Resorts That Entice In the Summer 

Ski Resorts have experienced an increase of customers in the summer. Several customers have bought vacation homes which they visit more frequently in the summer when they come to the ski resorts during the summer. The resorts are very popular in the summer because people enjoy coming to get in contact with nature. For example, the tax revenue earned during the summer rose more than 50 %  than four years ago. As a result, ski resorts are providing more outdoor activities that appeal to customers who come during the summer. They include  zip lining, alpine slides, and mountain trails for bikes where people have to use the ski lift to get to the mountains. Also, the stores change their inventory during the summer season from selling ski supplies to offering summer activities supplies. 

The resorts are experiencing diversification  because they are shifting their business from being ski resorts into  a summer destination where people can come to enjoy the outdoors. It is a good way to continue receiving a revenue because the ski resorts are able to operate for a longer period of time knowing that their amenities are appealing to tourists.

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting because I never really made the connection that ski resorts could experience growth in the summer. However, it does make sense that ski resorts could make money in the summer, considering that the ski resorts have cold weather year round.
