Sunday, March 17, 2019

Not Everyone Must Get Stoned: Pot’s Nonintoxicating Future

                                               Illustration: Dalbert B. Vilarino

Craving an afternoon latte after a long day at work? Ask for an infused CBD latte to ease your nerves. Is your child suffering from a swollen bug bite? Rub some CBD cream on the area that’s affected to help cease inflammation. Sore from two a days of football practice? Condition some CBD lotion into the problem area to ease the pain away. CBD is the topic of heated debates all over the nation, whether it be for the legalization of this cannabinoid or against it, people’s curiosity is driving them to learn more about this potentially “cure all” compound found in the cannabis plant.
Recently, 46 out of 50 states have passed a temperate legalization of CBD because people have finally come to the realization that even though CBD is found in the cannabis plant, it alone does not possess the chemicals to get you high. In fact, it has been discovered the vast things that CBD can treat alone, shaking the core of many different markets.
The miracles CBD has generated, such as curing people who suffer from severe seizures and people who battle with drug abuse, has led to researchers investigating the possibilities other cannabinoids have to offer. The compound THC-V has the claim to help diabetics by helping repair their glucose tolerance and it can treat narcolepsy because of its properties to keep users awake. The compound CBN has the capability to produce a better and deeper sleep. Rod Kight, a cannabis business lawyer in Asheville, N.C. states, “Think about the sleep-aid market and how big that is, and now imagine there’s a natural product. That could disrupt the entire marketplace.” The compound THC-A has the benefits of pain and nausea relief, giving people who are uncomfortable with being inebriated another option. Lastly, the compound CBG has the potential to create new brain cells. Studies show that with time, the compound could be marketed as a natural cognitive enhancer, introducing an entirely new market of its kind.
The introduction of all these new cannabinoids has consumers in a thrill. Kight states, “Everyone knows that this is about to explode and is developing their own products and processes”. With the latest legalization and legalization to come in the future for these cannabinoids, it seems that their vast and steady market growth can end up in a state of prolonged market maturity. Competition will continue to increase and CBD or any other compound can end up being another staple in our lives we will continue to use for years, but with time will bring more advanced and diverse components that will appeal to different segments of a newly profound market.

By: Amanda Chicago Lewis
Updated Oct. 25, 2018 3:43 p.m. ET

1 comment:

  1. This was very interesting and informative because many people confuse CBD with THC. I liked how you gave many examples of how CBD can be used and its effects. Overall it was really well written while still being easy to follow.
