Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Walmart Joins Amazon in Chase for Ad Dollars

Walmart Joins Amazon in Chase for Ad Dollars

Walmart Inc. is one of the worlds largest retailers that sell almost every type of product and they mainly do this through their stores. Although they want to continue this, Walmart also, "wants to become a big seller of advertisements too" (Nassuauer 2019).  The big company has already tried to push their advertisement idea a couple of years ago but they didn't quite succeed, now they know online ads are important because Amazon is very successful in it.

Walmart wants to be able to sell their product by bringing both their digital and ad teams closer together, "Walmart also plans to bring its store and digital ad teams closer together, using Walmart’s vast trove of shopper data to sell marketing opportunities in more parts of its sprawling business, including Vudu, its video streaming service " (Nassuauer 2019).  They want to use their shoppers data to pop ads on shoppers online, this will put their product literally in front of the shoppers eyes. Chief Executive Doug McMillon tells the consumers that the stores are the main engine of profit, Walmart is trying to sell more products online so it can bring in double the profit. 

Amazon also sells ads through other devices, "Last year, Amazon—which sells ads in its dominant e-commerce store, on devices like the Kindle and Fire TV, and across third-party websites—became the third largest seller of digital ads..." (Nassuauer 2019). This is important because Amazon not only sells their ads on the web, but also on other devices like the Kindle and Fire Tv. This marketing tactic puts Amazon yet again ahead of the game.

This article really interested me because I did not know that Walmart was falling behind on their ads to Amazon. It made me realize why and how Amazon have become so successful, and that's through their push with ads. I see ads, commercials, and products of Amazon almost everywhere I go on the web. This is a great marketing plan for Walmart because it will increase their profits and will lead them pass Amazon in ads. 

Nassauer, Sarah. “Walmart Joins Amazon in Chase for Ad Dollars.” The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 27 Feb. 2019, www.wsj.com/articles/walmart-joins-amazon-in-chase-for-ad-dollars-11551200400?mod=searchresults&page=1&pos=17&ns=prod%2Faccounts-wsj.

Link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/walmart-joins-amazon-in-chase-for-ad-dollars-11551200400?mod=searchresults&page=1&pos=17

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting article, I'm sure Walmart will become an even more competitive retailer!
