Friday, October 2, 2015

More Help for College Men With Depression and Anxiety

More Help for College Men With Depression and Anxiety

Mental health awareness is ever-present in today’s society and is oftentimes placed at the bottom of the importance totem pole. However with the increase of anxiety and depression among students, some universities are taking action.

The article displays the different techniques universities are initiating to encourage male students to seek counseling if needed and not be ashamed. As detailed in the article, some male students are not seeking the help they need because they tend to feel emasculated by going to counseling and are teased by their friends. The universities are taking an assertive marketing approach by taking counseling outside of the counseling center by offering group activities. Group activities include Broga, yoga for bros, and videogames with a dash of sharing your feelings. By doing this, universities are removing the negative stigma that comes with counseling and making the idea of going to counseling less awkward. Typically, men tend to suppress their emotions rather than express them which can lead to a worsening of mental health .In an attempt to make counseling more relatable to men, schools are also hiring male counselors.

 This applies to marketing because it is trying to encourage men to take part in a service that is offered by the university. Universities have specified what college age men respond to and are tailoring counseling methods to their benefit. The article also abides by marketing constructs in that it is promoting mental health and targeting male students. By lessening the freak out factor of counseling, universities are also helping the social and cultural environment among students to be more accepting. Implications to other businesses may include an increase in prescription drug use, local gym memberships, and church attendance.

Date/Time Published:Sept. 21, 2015 12:25 p.m. ET

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! Such a great way to reach those who feel like they can't express themselves comfortably. I hope more universities catch on. Thanks for sharing!
