Thursday, October 1, 2015

U.S. Consumer Confidence Improves WSJ - Samuel Colina


Despite global economic turmoil throughout most of last month, U.S. consumer's outlook on the American economy has improved significantly.

Surveys find that 25.1% of US consumers feel that their jobs are "plentiful" and therefore allow them to be a more active consumer. The Labor Department added that just last month US employers added about 200,000 jobs to the payroll. The Conference Board also found good news for US consumers stating that 19.1% of households expect their incomes to rise in the next six month.

That being said, US consumers as a whole are stepping up to the cash register and contributing hard cold cash to the economies' expansion phase.

1 comment:

  1. The truism 'you have to spend money to make money' is a hard lesson to learn, much less accept for young people, especially those living in a 1st world country. The desire to spend money, to possess things is strong in American culture. I hope that this trend - especially where Millennials are concerned - rises responsibly throughout the next fiscal and calendar year.
