Thursday, October 8, 2015

Toyota Aims to Make Self-Driving Cars by 2020

Amanda Esquivel
Toyota Aims to Make Self-Driving Cars by 2020
Published: October 6, 2015

     Toyota Motor Corp. intends to counter rivals like Google Inc. by introducing its autonomous-drive technology. Although Google's self-driving cars have remained in the spotlight due to their extreme promotion, Toyota has actually been studying autonomous driving since before Google existed. Toyota's chief safety executive claims that because of this, the company has advantages. The new "automated driving" system will allow vehicles to get on and off the highway as well as change lanes without driver input. This is possible through the car's use of map data to determine where it should drive and where it should switch lanes. The car also has twelve sensors to capture data. There is a camera behind the front mirror, five radar devices that detect the speed of other vehicles via radio waves, and six lasers that detect the positions of objects around the car. The prototype car has been named "Highway Teammate" to emphasize the fact that it is intended to help drivers rather than replace them. To use this technology, the driver must press a button on the steering wheel of the car when he or she is near the highway entrance. Then, without the driver's assistance, the car will be able to enter onto the highway, change lanes, and exit the highway. The goal of this is to improve mobility and decrease accidents. Due to the high cost of sensors, however, this technology cannot be introduced in mass-market vehicles yet.

     This article is relevant to our marketing class because it focuses on product as well as customers. Toyota wants to strengthen their vehicles' efficiency by making them more convenient and safe for their customers to use. This article grabbed my attention because a "self-driving" car is something I have only ever dreamed of before. Driving is definitely not my favorite thing to do. It tends makes me a little anxious regardless of whether I am driving on a street or on the highway. I am always afraid of getting lost or any potential accidents that might occur, so Toyota's new technology sounds amazing. Anything that can help my driving experience not be so stressful is something that I would love to have in my life.


  1. The future is here! This is incredible but slightly terrifying. Great article!

  2. I think if my car drove itself, I would be much safer on the roads..and so would everyone else

  3. Still can't imagine how this will work well in Houston due to the heavy traffic since people are driving crazily. Yet looking forward to it.

  4. Still can't imagine how this will work well in Houston due to the heavy traffic since people are driving crazily. Yet looking forward to it.
