Thursday, December 3, 2015

How Big Food Is Using Natural Flavors to Win Consumer Favor

How Big Food Is Using Natural Flavors to Win Consumer Favor

by Annie Gasparro
Dec. 1, 2015 2:17 p.m. ET

In today's society, a large portion of consumers are leaning towards a healthier diet. America's fast food industry is slowly declining. Years of effort put into finding ways to make food cheaper and taste better artificially is coming to a halt. These "junk" food companies must keep up with the societies standards or risk going out of business eventually. Even though this "all" organic food frenzy is taking over, it's going at a slow but effective pace. Now companies like Trix, a cereal company, are struggling to substitute all the artificial components in their food with natural ones. Trix, at the moment, is finding new substitutes for the bright colors of their cereal. This poses many complications because they also have to maintain a certain flavor and texture to not completely loose their identity. After months of tests, they've come to a consensus and decided to drop the colors which are too artificial to even reconstruct naturally. The new and improved trix cereal now has purple, orange, yellow and deep-red puffs. 

This article caught my eye because as a person who tries to eat all natural, it makes me happy to hear that such big food companies are trying to eliminate the artificial components in their product. For decades, we have been so fixated by fast food, completely disregarding how unhealthy it is for our bodies, putting food before health. Finally, this unhealthy lifestyle is slowly ending. 

This article pertains to product in the marketing mix. This new product is one of the many puzzle pieces to complete a healthier lifestyle. Even though it costs more to eat healthy, we'll be improving our lives in the long run. Our society has become so materialistic and focused on only one thing: MONEY. Many companies put the profit above the actual health and wellbeing of their people. This needs to stop even if it comes at a higher price.

-Ann Meyer


  1. This is awesome. It makes me happy to know this is happening because of how many health problems have come from all the junk that is being produced

  2. Very interesting! It is great that the big companies are beginning to become more healthier.
