Comfiest Seat in the House!

In the photos above we have an abandoned Eastgate Theatre struggles today, after once being known as the 16-screen multiplex where the local teenagers lined up on opening nights.... This Sun Praire theatre was closed back in 2015 after its owners opened up "Palace Cinemas" three miles up the road. The placement of the new and improved Palace, gravitated customers and eventually caused the shut down of Sun Prairie.

Movie attendance fell to its lowest level since 1995. This crisis was caused by the rise of streaming. This caused what is happening today... exhibitors are tearing out old seats and replacing them with the luxury seats, fitting fewer seating overall, but creating the higher prices to have a steadier revenue. The additional sophisticated sound and screens, plus high-end beverage and food options, is something no home theater could ever replace. This is what they are hoping for the consumers to notice and leave their living rooms everyone in awhile and attend a nice movie.
This is re-model is not just happening to movie theaters across the US.. Differentiation and Positioning is a big deal for these movies theaters and other upcoming popular companies! If these movie theaters can differentiate their particular theater form the one down the road, then you will when your customers over! I am a big time "movie go-er" and I attend movies up almost every weekend. So it is interesting to see how the theaters are using new innovations to draw in their customers. My boyfriend and I will pay the extra money for the big comfy seats because they are much more spacious and enjoyable while watching a 2 hour long movie.

Some iPic theaters even feature lounge seats with wraparound sound technology! IPic has 15 locations in nine different states with 115 screens. This theatre charges as much as $32 per ticket, and members receive extra perks, such as cast Q's & A's and food & wine tastings, and even blankets to use at the seats! The cost for two rows of these "Sweet Seats" are approximately $15,000 to install.
The hopes are for more customers to get out of the house and go see a movie in a more personal and relaxing space. They want each person to feel as if they were still in their living room but with the best quality and comfort possible. For how much I go to the movies, I wouldn't be ablate afford this fancy theater every weekend, but for special occasions or a big date you might take someone out to a place like and iPic theater. I love the idea of it though! iPic is offering something that no one else is offering, even if its at a much greater price, people will still pay for it!
I chose this article, for various reasons. Because I am a lover of movies and going out to see a movie on the big screen.. there is nothing like seeing it for the first time on screen. And secondly, I have noticed how many movie theaters are having to add the XD theaters and high tech sound just to compete with their competitors and differentiate themselves to stay on top!
I chose this article, for various reasons. Because I am a lover of movies and going out to see a movie on the big screen.. there is nothing like seeing it for the first time on screen. And secondly, I have noticed how many movie theaters are having to add the XD theaters and high tech sound just to compete with their competitors and differentiate themselves to stay on top!
So, do you think getting the "comfiest seat in the house" is good attempt for movie theaters survival?
There are IPics all around Houston and i have been able to attend it once. While the price is high, it usually ends up paying off in the end because of the extra comfort and attention you will receive during the movie. I think the IPic movie theaters are very much geared towards those who want to relax and enjoy a movie, as if in the comfort of their own home. The reclined seats and comfy blankets provide that feel for them. However, some other people may not be able to justify spending $30+ on ONE movie ticket-- which is where the regular movie theaters usually end up winning. Overall, it is a fantastic experience!!