Friday, May 3, 2019

Food no longer being CBD Infused

Sasha Cristiano
May 3, 2019

Do you prefer the Oil or the Edible? It doesn't matter because it's illegal

How is CBD illegal but healthy?

  CBD is on of the top good trend in 2019. This fast growing market has tripled sales between 2014 to 2017 with $367 million. They are projected to hit $1.3 billion by 2022. CBD can be infused in edibles, oils, and pills---40% of the market is edibles, 34% is oil, and 13% is pills. With it being one of the fastest growing markets, it seems like it is now having a loss of sales. The loss of sales is due to the fact that CBD is now considered a prescribed ingredient in pharmaceutical drugs. It is being used in a prescription drug, making it illegal to sale food and drinks that are CBD infused. For example, Epidiolex has CBD as their active ingredient. The federal law bans the use of government medicine in food and drink products, this means restaurants are no longer able to put these products on their menu. Whoever was caught selling edibles would be fined by the city health officials. Many business owners are being affected by this. Taking off something that is so popular on their menu will affect their sales. Many people rely on these kind of edibles to help with anxiety, high blood sugar, etc. The FDA not allowing these seller to provide their customers with this kind of help is a controversial thing in many states.
Overall, this article is informative on how the FDA handles these situations. With a market that is dedicated to these kind of products, it is interesting to see how they are affecting the sales by making a one product illegal.


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