Monday, May 6, 2019

T-Mobile Chief’s Pay Valued at $66.5 Million
Wireless carrier granted CEO Legere, other executives stock tethered to pending Sprint merger.

In this article, it is related to John Legere’s the CEO T-Mobile, who has gotten a raise and he is one of the most top paid corporate CEO in America almost rival those competitor of AT&T and Verizon CEO Pension. But Mr Legere’s, pension not only includes a bigger pay check it also includes option in stocks that are worth 58.5 Million dollars. Though Mr. Leger’s, has gotten has gotten this incentive from T-Mobile the same incentive will also follow to the Sprint executive as well guaranteeing to them an immediate pay out if the company complete the merger. 

How does it relate to marketing? Well it establishes that if you keep a great company running you must keep you must keep the great talent as well. ( pay out)

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