Monday, May 6, 2019

Uber Wants to Be the Uber of Everything—But Can It Make a Profit?

Uber has a very influential part in the future according to its executives, they believe they will be so influential in fact that people will no longer require cars. Scooters will take us anywhere we want in our area, take out will no longer be a thing, parking lots will be turned into parks. this is all because Uber plans on becoming the sole method of transportation of people and food. As Uber plants to go public they are creating the image that they will become a means for all transportation. This image is being obscured by Uber's competition as they have lost 3.7 billion dollars in 12 months. This comes because of Uber's inability to reach the rural areas where owning a car is much more ideal. Right now the only real group that supports Uber is urban workers specifically younger in age. Uber has used its price to lure more customers in, their rides and food deliveries are actually up but their profits are down. Uber eats has been very popular since its start and Uber plans on expanding it world wide. With Uber freight in its infancy it has a lot of work to be done as its biggest competitor is non other than Amazon. 

As Uber struggles they are taking the right approach, they are expanding their business and their target market. With only their Taxi service Uber has a small target market confined into urban areas. if they succeed with implementing scooters and other modes of transportation they will expand the market even further. This new product development with scooters and new services they will provide will do them a lot of good as long as they grow correctly. The few new things they already have such as Uber eats has been very successful so far and if they continue in this fashion while also spreading their services to the rural areas in which they are not having much influence they will be very successful within the coming years. They must continue to gain more are better food partnerships as McDonalds being their main one. By doing this they can be seen as more attractive compared to their rivals. Also with creating these contracts Uber can begin to give out coupons for these restraints when using their services and get positive publicity. All these things will help Uber in the long run and their biggest challenge will be expanding their target market to customers in rural areas if they do this with new technologies or strategies they will be able to see huge profits in the years to come.

1 comment:

  1. I believe Uber has good target market; aiming to the coming generation is a great start for their transportation business. In addition, it is very good that they are using a form of transportation that does not pollute the earth. Yet, why scooters? I believe that people need a more fast, safe, and less awkward form of transportation. Telsa is launching an electric on-demand taxi with no driver. I would rather stick to that then a scooter tbh. I scooter would be better fit for local delivery businesses ONLY, instead of the public.
