Budweiser is America

In a blatant attempt to take advantage of the presidential election, the Anhueuser - Busch brewing company will be renaming their line of Budweiser beer as 'America'. That's right, from summer all the way through to the election 'America' will literally be in the hands of its citizens. The company will even go as far as replacing the 'AB' logo on the can for 'US' and replace 'King of Beers' for 'E Pluribus Unum'. This change comes during the most important period of the year for beer companies from Memorial day to labor day. This period is responsible for over a third of annual beer sales.
In terms of marketing its clear that Anhueuser - Busch have altered the promotion aspect of their marketing mix, fully utilizing the combination of the electoral race and this high volume sales period.
Wow, I think this is a HUGE change but I don't agree. The reason being is if someone from Japan comes to USA and they decide to try this bc its name is "America" they will think it sucks and they might feel like overall our food is of the same quality. I think they should keep their name but just say it's the #1 in America.