Thursday, October 13, 2016

McDonald's uses social media to win back it's business

One in every five millennials has ever eaten a Big Mac. McDonald's, the burger powerhouse is scared to lose its hold on today's youth. In order to appeal to the youth, McDonald's is thinking like the youth. Or should I say, tweeting like the youth.  
McDonald's is putting more effort into their appearance on social medias like Facebook and Twitter with the help of and PayPal Holdings. Inc. While this does not guarantee that millennials will be attracted to the company, McDonald's is doing their best to try an present themselves in a different way then before in hopes they can change their image. For example, they are choosing to use actual, unedited photos of their food in their social media posts. We all know that one of the biggest problems people have with the company is their distrust of the foods freshness. McDonald's has also tried to appeal to millennials by using emojis to add humor to their posts and getting celebrity endorsements. While McDonald's is putting their best efforts into this, many millennials feel their approach seems forced. Millennials distrust of McDonald's food is very strong.


  1. I agree with you, McDonald's can put their best effort in appealing to millennials all they want, but I don't think it will produce a good outcome unless they actually change their ingredient making it healthier rather then just superficially scratching the surface. Great article!

  2. I highly doubt a few emojis will help save McDonald’s image. I believe that a lot of millennials were raised more heal conscious, to the point where even though they know McDonald’s is cost efficient many would most likely pay a few more dollars for better quality food. If anything McDonald’s needs to completely rebrand themselves, maybe contract with a notable health and fitness star and create food options specifically approved by the health professional.
