Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Target and a Younger Market

Target Corporations are opening several smaller stores in urban areas and college towns in order to gain a younger market. These smaller stores attract a younger market by providing things younger people would be interested in. Target recently opened a store near the University of Minnesota campus where they stock products geared towards college students, like small ironing boards and ping pong balls. This store does not stock children's toys or anything a college student would not be interested in.

Target is aiming towards a younger market in order to make up for the fact the retail chain is declining in existing store sales and stock loss. Younger consumers are the main focus on the smaller stores but they are not restricting all of them to beer and dorm decor. One express store is planned to open in New York City's Tribeca neighborhood that will sell a large selection of baby items to target the families living in the area along with integrating a Chobani Cafe. Even though they are not the first retail chain to open smaller stores, they believe they have a better strategy. Target is focusing on densely populated urban areas and customizing assortment in each store to cater to the local wants and needs, something Walmart did not do when opening express stores. Going from a huge retail store to a significantly smaller store is incredibly challenging but to maximize stockrooms and shelf space, they have been selecting smaller package sizes as well as fewer brands for many of the same products offered in bulk at their larger stores.

Find out more and read the article here.

1 comment:

  1. Really like your article! I use to not be a big fan of Target, but in recent years I've been shopping there more for their cool items that you wouldn't find at any other stores.
