Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Sony's playstation VR is on the way

Sony is going to release it's virtual-reality system, Playstation VR, on 13th. Comparing to it's rivals, the PS VR is less powerful; however, it is the most competitive VR system on the market because it is much cheaper than its rivals(PS VR 399, HTC Vive 799, Oculus Rift 599 USD). Also, unlike the rivals need people to buy a new expensive gaming PC, the PS VR already got more than 40 million people who already own a Ps4 which is requied to the PS VR. last thing is that since Sony has been a powerful gaming company for many years, they can provide more high quality games than the others.

So many people say that  VR systems are the next Tech star after the smart phones, so if sony win the "VR war" and got most of the market share, then maybe the powerful Sony in the past will come back.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Interesting analysis. I own products by Sony so I guess you could say I'm a sony fanboy. The competition by Sony should further drive prices down and make VR systems more widely available to a variety of income levels. If there is anyone that can take an electronic product and make it more widely available to the masses, Sony is certainly the one.
