Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Using Selfies as Passwords

Companies such as Uber Technologies Inc. and MasterCard Inc. are in the process of switching from passwords to selfies as proof of identity. Facial Recognition technology is becoming more cheaper and companies are finding it easier to have their customers take pictures of themselves rather than type out a password. It's quicker Than passwords. Passwords are susceptible to being hacked, altered, or stolen, but the human face is distinct from everyone else. Facial recognition is still experiencing software problems though so there is still work to be done to make the tech perfect. However, cybercrime experts are worrying that this "quicker" and "more efficient " process leaves way for security and privacy problems.

The world knows that people love taking selfies, especially teenagers and young adults. However, giving out personal information is always a concern for people. Companies say that everything is safe and confidential, but people need to be careful with who is taking their info. We don't know where our information is actually going or what it's used for.


  1. This is an interesting new idea. I feel like it would be weird to be taking selfies all the time in front of everyone to log on to things.

  2. This is definitely a new idea that can appeal to many users. However, I do not know if it will become that successful.
