Thursday, May 3, 2018

NRA Convention Expected to Draw About 80,000 Attendees

The NRA convention kicks off this Friday in Dallas. It is expected to draw more than 80,000 attendees, and it had garnered so much attention that the NRA has had to waitlist many vendors as there is simply not enough space on the floor to accommodate them all. This article states that the NRA has faced public backlash and scrutiny due to its continued support of gun rights, and very hardcore stance againt gun control. I for one do not think that this is true, as the only ones criticizing the NRA are those that are pro-gun control, and have been from the very beginning. Personally, I am a lifetime member and know many that are as well. Without getting too political, guns should not be controlled at all. After all, if one is willing to break the many laws we have against harming others, why could said person not obtain a gun illegally? Therefore, this control only punishes those law-abiding citizens.

In relation to the class, the NRA has done a tremendous job marketing its convention, as it will end up being a record breaker. This convention will boast the highest turnout even for a convention, and will further advance the fight against gun control. Furthermore, the NRA has been producing record breaking fundraising numbers, and I relate that to their being able to truly connect with their base. This is an essential concept in marketing, and whenever one is able to strongly connect with their base, they will be successful at what they are doing for a long time.

Andrew Dibello 

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to see how NRA leverages its influence into marketing. Even though people might now agree with their beliefs, they will probably hear about the convention.
