On Tuesday, the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and five other public health groups filed charges against the Federal Food and Drug Administration. The antitabacco groups declaring that the FDA has not abided by the 2009 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act for four years.
Back in 2009 the FDA was sued the first time for not depicting the risks of tobacco. They finally took action in 2011 and purposed graphic images to tobacco companies and the tobacco companies shot them down and sued the FDA on behalf of the 1st amendment. The graphic warning labels included images of diseased lungs and a body on an autopsy table with words such as “smoking can kill you.” Ever since these labels were denied in court, the FDA has not made an effort to try and come up with new graphic warning labels. The lawsuit on Tuesday asked the court to set a new deadline for the FDA to come up with new graphic warning labels.
The antitobacco groups argue that enforcing tobacco companies to warn their customers of the harmful effects of smoking through graphic warning labels will decrease the amount of smokers and thus increasing the nation's health. Not only should the warning labels discourage new smokers from starting, they will also cause long time smokers to kick the habit.
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The images they show are very disturbing, but I do think it would definitely get people to either quit smoking or not even start.