Sunday, May 5, 2019

T-Mobile Executives Leave Amid Management Reorganization 
Executive departures cover 5G, television, Metro prepaid units

            In this article, we have several executives within the realm of team T-Mobile that are leaving due to a new a management restructuring. Though with the resent move of restructure some longtime leader such as Tom Keys from Metro and other top executive such Jeff Binder and Dave Mayo are also leaving the company due corporate restructuring. Though this restructuring comes at a time when many believe an imminent takeover of the number 3 cell phone carrier Sprint. Though there is no official word on wither it is true about an imminent takeover of Sprint or the reorganizing of it management team cause the merger to go on hyper drive, the only thing that WSJ is stating that there meeting going to take place on April to decide on the faith of this merger with “state and federal Antitrust officials” .

What does this have do with Marketing? 

In many cases, when a merger is about to take place a corporation must asset its strategic alliance and have a targeted plan on wither a program manager is worth keep him/her in the management position. Though T-Mobile is looking at other venues to make their brand more popular and more profitable it must let go key employees to bring in new ideas and make better business decisions. 

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