With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) going around, it has made it very difficult for retail stores, businesses, and even restaurants to operate because of fear of spreading the virus. The largest retail stores in the world like Nordstrom, Nike, Ralph Lauren, Adidas, Gucci, etc. have closed their physical locations. This might not be a big problem for big companies like these, but for a clothing label like Adsum, the closure of the stores is really detrimental to the business. Adsum, which opened five months ago, just before the Coronavirus came to be, is praying, like most companies are, that online retail will help push them through these difficult times. As best stated by Mr. Jacob Gallagher in his article, "For small businesses that lack a cash-reserve cushion, having a sales slowdown of even two weeks could be crippling.". The online market could prove to be beneficial at this point in time. Companies using social media to advertise their products and hoping people would purchase them. Making online shopping even sweeter, the businesses offer incentives to purchasing products online, like free shipping and handling and even going further and giving discounts on products on their websites as well. Though online shopping looks appealing right now, there is still a big question mark to address. If, people are going out of jobs, will they have money to buy our products? That is the biggest question that all retail stores are facing right now. I love the idea of online shopping at this point in time and it will be helpful for the social distancing. It will limit human contact, thus making it safer for everyone. It's a good concept and will indeed make it safe, but will there be enough consumers? That is the big question and the biggest unknown. We will just have to wait and see how this all plays out.
Article: https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-anyone-still-shopping-for-clothes-during-the-coronavirus-11585315319

I think that now stores are open for "retail to-go", hopefully shopping will start to increase and see the economy kick back into gear. This is all separate from the question of whether or not the economy should start opening back up again, but that is a highly controversial topic at the moment