Saturday, March 28, 2020

Would You Buy an iPhone Now? Coronavirus Tests Demands for Apple’s Flagship Products

Among the Coronavirus pandemic, many companies are being affected globally, Apple being one of these companies. With many of the factories and stores being closed due to health precautions, the sales and production of certain devices is being affected. A less expensive iPhone model would have been announced this month, but the production of it is probably going to be delayed due to the global pandemic. Although, Apple is one of the wealthiest companies in the U.S., their slow sales does not worry them too much because they have existing revenue that can help out balance their gains and losses. 
Customer service plays a huge role; if the company fulfills the wishes of its customers and tries to bring products at lower costs, sales could increase. Apple is a well known brand that does not usually need to invest a lot of money in advertising or sales promotion, customers believe in the brand’s credibility. Customer service in their Apple stores allows customers to feel comfortable when going and discussing problems with their devices, or just making another purchase. At times, the prices of their products do not play an obstacle when considering purchasing a device, but in times of a pandemic, this can be reconsidered. 


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