A smartphone app that was installed by more than three million British users, researchers can now locate where corona virus infection is emerging. This has allowed scientists to alert health authorities to know where the pandemic is surging to prepare for future hospitalizations. The nice part of this app is that it offers a real-time insight that be critical to ease lockdowns in areas.
This app is called the Covid Symptom Tracker app, it was designed by scientists at King's College of London and a health-data analytics company called Zoe Global, this allows users to report daily whether or not someone is suffering or not from symptoms of Covid-19. Tim Spector, the professor of genetic epidemiology at King's, said the app will be able to provide "an early-warning device about hot spots." The revealed sharp increases in areas that held big sporting event in march.
There are still limitations to this program but it seems promising to help since this covid-19 is still impacting greatly around the world. One of the limitations is that the program calls for the use of volunteers, in the United Kingdom the voluntary nature of this app means that users tend to be better off and better educated. Also some users report symptoms that appear to be caused by the virus, but are not. But with the use of computers are able to crunch data by comparing user's symptoms with those of the app's of around 30,000 United Kingdom users who have so far tested positive.
With the complexity of the virus and people having symptoms or close symptoms to it, I feel like this app will soon be able to identify who and who doe not have the covid-19. Only the future will tell how well it will be but hopefulle covid-19 ends.
Article: https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-smartphone-app-tries-to-guide-the-way-out-of-coronavirus-lockdowns-11588333842?mod=tech_lead_pos5
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