Thursday, May 7, 2020

Trade Deficit

Within this article, it was mentioned how businesses were going to have a hard time recovering from this economic recession due to the coronavirus pandemic. The recovering process will be slow in part because people are not going to work, which leads to little to no revenue. Besides that, Trump has imposed tariffs on Chinese businesses and corporations who send their goods overseas, making it harder to obtain foreign materials that are needed. Imports and exports have decreased, for example, there was a massive collapse in oil prices because imports were down 21.9 percent while exports were down 13.2 percent. Another type of manufacturing company that has been affected because of depressed consumer spending is car and auto parts, as it is not necessarily a global demand right now. These two are examples that are highlighted in the article that ties back to how businesses are also affected. The US trade deficit left an economic shock, and recovering from the economic crash will take a while, and because of this, the economy will not be what it used to be.

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