Friday, May 1, 2020

Anthony Nguyen
Cruise Ships Set Sail Knowing the Deadly Risk to Passengers and Crew Analysis
Article Published by Jacquie McNish, Rebecca Smith, Erin Aliworth, and Rachel Pannett on May 1, 2020

          In the article I used, the article goes on an extremely detailed analysis on a possible cause of the spread of COVID-19, that cause being cruise ships continuing to set sail despite knowing the risks of a possible pandemic. According to the article, about 17 cruise ships set sail that had passengers with coronavirus, which had also led to the death of a passenger and possible spread of coronavirus. In fact, many passengers were not made aware of the infected passengers. So far, multiple countries also discovered that their first interaction with the virus came from passengers in cruise ships. Records are also showing that these cruise ship companies tried to deny responsibility, divert responsibility, or ignore claims that they were in fact part of the problem. After the base summary, the rest of the article goes on to provide a detailed account of how this started by giving statistics.
     The reason why this caught my eye is because I never actually knew that cruise ships are a major factor as to why COVID-19 spread. However, at the same time, I wasn't surprised based off what I read because there are always companies that want to profit while\ignoring basic ethics. This actually ties into marketing, as when you market yourself, you should market yourself as an ethical company. Yes, bigger corporations are allowed to take a hit once in awhile, but mistakes and bad decisions like these will cause people to reconsider your brand and might not go to cruise ships anymore because they simply don't trust cruise ships to put the passengers safety first. This type of thinking might also cause people to question if cruise ships are even safe in the first place, and if cruise ships safety procedures should be questioned as well.

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