Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Bernie Sander's Vision for America

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Bernie Sander's Vision for America 

Sen. Bernie Sanders at a rally in Austin, Texas, on Sunday. Credit: Michael Mullenix/Zuma Press
With only a week left before Super Tuesday, Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders will have only one more opportunity to convince the America people his agenda is the best option for the country. With the South Carolina debate set for Tuesday night, all eyes with be pointed at Sen. Sanders as he responses to key questions regarding America’s future. Sen. Sanders’ socialist views on the economy may prove to be his Achilles heel when questions concerning the economy and the deficit arise. For example, “Which is the more important source of job creation: the private sector or the government?” is just an instance of the type of question Sen. Sanders needs to answer to persuade the American people. Although the senator has not specifically mentioned how to combat the issue, Rep. Ro Khanna, the co-chair for Bernie’s campaign, responded to the question, “We would say both, pay a good wage so small businesses can thrive. But the government should also be paying good-paying jobs in infrastructure and education.” In the end, the fate of America is in the hands of the voters and will decide whether Bernie Sanders' vision would make America better.

I chose this article because as an American, it is our job and responsibility to be informed with our candidates and their vision for a better America. Understanding the ideas of the candidates from both sides of the isle will allow us, the people, to make our best judgement on who to vote for when the voting polls open this November. This article relates to marketing because Sen. Sanders role as a Presidential Candidate is to sell his ideas of a better America to the American people.


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