Friday, February 21, 2020

How One Singapore Sales Conference Spread Coronavirus Around the World

Image result for coronavirus spread map

Last month, am international sales conference was held in a Singapore hotel that gathered about 109 people from around the world. The conference was held by a U.K-based company that makes products to analyze gas. The coronavirus has already managed to spread in many countries so it seems now that people are investigating how the virus was able to spread so quickly. It seems that there was a participant within the conference that was infected with the virus, so obviously others were infected. Instead of keeping everybody contained, authorities allowed for 94 people to leave the hotel. In which many of those people were traveling to a celebrate the Lunar New Year, some went on vaction, others went on ski trips. This may have been one of the causes to the spread of the virus around the world. 

The article is very interesting to read since this is a current issue occurring in the world right now. Many people around the world wondered how to virus managed to spread so quickly around the world and this article explains a possibility of how the authorities failed to contain the virus from spreading. 

This coronavirus has impacted from many businesses to stop conducting business in China. Companies are having to be more caution with the ongoing virus, they will have to consider whether to allow their employees to travel for business meetings. 


  1. This article is very informative and it demonstrate the economic impact that the virus is having across the world. Vacation, business meetings, and overall tourism in different parts of Asia are been terribly affected due to the rapid spread of the virus.

  2. I found this blog very interesting and informative as it shows the economic impact this virus is having globally. Its eye opening how this virus has caused businesses in china to stop conducting and it makes me wonder is this going to happen here in the U.S. We should be more causious with the ongoing Virus, but I feel we are indenial about the real damage this virus could have.
