Sunday, February 23, 2020

Will There Be A Longer NFL Season?

The NFL owners have been trying to propose the addition of a 17th game to the NFL season. The changes to the league would bring in more revenue to both the league and its players in many ways. The changes to the season would include an addition of a 17th game as well as an expansion to the postseason, allowing an extra team to qualify for the playoffs in each conference. The players, however, are pushing back on this decision. Current and retired players have been known to suffers serious long-term health problems due to all the physical punishment they go through during practice and the games. Due to these concerning issues, the deal has not been made leaving the NFL in a standstill.
The reason that I decided on this article is that it has to do with a major sport as well as the health of their players. Being a student-athlete myself, this hits really close to home.
This article relates to marketing since the changes trying to be implemented will affect the consumers of the NFL as well as their service towards them. It is clear that the NFL has evaluated its opportunities for growth and decided that their best way to improve would be with the addition of games to the season and postseason.

1 comment:

  1. I think this article is very interesting. This is a very clear example of how money and sales has swayed the original purpose of certain organizations. Anyone who plays or has played any sport will say that it's all about the game, the people, and the memories. I think the NFL has lost sight of the true meaning of the game of football and is focusing too much on how much money they can make. An extended season leads to more wear and tear on the bodies of these players, but all the NFL sees is a chance to make more money.
