Monday, May 8, 2017

Amazon Plans to Unveil New Echo: New device expected to feature screen, phone, videoconferencing capabilities

Amazon is expected to unveil a new version of its Echo speaker which will incorporate video calling capabilities.

Amazon is planning on revealing a new Echo, a high tech commercial use machine that allows people to control certain aspects of your home with your voice, that is being released with a screen, different from its predecessors.
There are currently 2 different echoes out, 1 without a screen for $150 and 1 with a camera for $200. It will be announced as early as Tuesday, 5/9/17, which will allow the use of internet phone calls equipped with a touch screen and ways for easier access to information for consumers.
There are other competitors such as Alphabets Inc. Google Home with Alexa digital assistant and Microsoft with their voice controlled speaker Invoke, made by Samsung Electronics Co., however, none of them have a touch screen, yet. Thousands of applications have been added as well from Uber calls to ordering Domino’s pizza.
A touch screen device does sound more appealing than a device that does not have one, and higher competitions do create better businesses because it results in more companies trying to make an even better home controlled AI. Not everyone is going to buy one, but they are certainly the future of autonomy and progression.

Linh Tran
MKTG 3343

1 comment:

  1. I never saw the point of these types of devices, but if other people like them and use them then I guess it's pretty good Amazon is releasing a new one.
