Monday, May 8, 2017

Microsoft's New Laptop Aimed At Students

Microsoft as recently unveiled a new laptop that is aimed at students. Microsoft hopes to compete with Apple's Macbook Air with new features. These new features include weighing less, thinner, less expensive, and a longer battery life. All of the devices run Windows 10 S which is a "new variant of Microsoft’s flagship operating system." The new laptop limits users to just the Windows store, but it increases the speed and battery life. If users want to use other apps that are not supported "such as iTunes or Google’s Chrome browser, they can pay $49 to upgrade to the Windows 10 Pro version of the OS sold to businesses." The laptops and app are all updated automatically which will help schools from manually updating each individual device themselves. Microsoft will also be providing new updates to their education version of the Microsoft 365 app and making it available to all "students, faculty, and school staff" for free.

The target market of Microsoft with their new laptop is toward schools that use lots of technology. They have made their product more affordable and have some better features. Competing with the popular Macbook Air with exterior features such as weighing less, thinner, longer battery life, and less expensive making it more student-friendly. Allowing laptops and apps to update automatically will make it easier for schools to use the product without having to worry about manually updating each laptop. These features gives them an advantage over many products.


  1. Microsoft taking a big step by trying to compete with Apple aiming for students as their target market. That's going to be tough for them, knowing Apple has been attractive to younger group of consumers.

  2. This is going to be very risky because I believe that Microsoft buyers nowadays are mostly people from older generations, so targeting the youth that already loves Macbook will be a big challenge for them. If they do succeed, they would make a lot of revenue !
