Tuesday, May 2, 2017

As Retailers Race to Close Stores, a Web Startup is Opening Them

Throughout the years, fashion changes, and trends come and go. This is where this online store got its idea from. Unfortunately there are many retailers that have been in the business for years, and have ended up having to close their stores. For example, Payless Shoesource Inc. was one of the country's largest shoe retailers, but due to bankruptcy they are closing 400 of their store locations. This is where "Greats" comes in. "Greats" is a Brooklyn based online shoe brand established in 2013. Since the shoe industry is so broad, they have decided to start opening up some stores starting out in the New York area.
Online retailers that are not majorly known have become a trend, especially to the younger crowd who find that sense of urban/vintage more fashion forward. And this is the exact crowd that Greats is reaching out and appealing to. Their plan is to compare and contrast between their online and offline channels such as people that buy online compared to people that physically come into the store and purchase the product.


  1. This is really relevant, the Kate Spade location I work at just closed its doors this week!

  2. This is a great concept! A lot of stores that are closing have great products, so with these websites taking up the product from stores that are being closed gives them a greater opportunity, especially since they are online.
