Friday, May 5, 2017

Wal-Mart Wants to Know When Your Milk Is About to Expire

           Wal-Mart is struggling to fight against Amazon and Target. Wal-Mart has recently released its patent for sensor technology. Wal-Mart plans to use the sensory technology to monitor the usage customers do of products. The sensors would be attached to a product, and it would either tell the consumer that the product is running out, about to expire and will suggest new products or automatically deliver more of the product to the customer’s home.
            Wal-Mart hopes that this sensory technology will match to the Amazon’s Dash Buttons or the use of the mobile phone scanners to order items for home delivery. The proposed system is an advance system to the systems already placed, and it is suppose to track the usage of a product, how it moves throughout the house and will help with marketing new products to the customer.

            This system is still in the works, and Wal-Mart has not commented on the system. It is unknown whether Wal-Mart is currently testing something similar, but this sensor technology could be a breakthrough for the company.  The sensor could facilitate the ease of ordering products, providing better products for consumers and even reminders for customers to know when something may expire.


  1. This is cool because more people will find it easier to use this sensor technology while shopping. Technology these days is really expanding. Once Wal- Mart does this I am thinking other stores like Target, Kroger, H.E.B etc. will do the same.

  2. If Walmart starts doing this, it would open the doors for this technology to be adopted by other major flagship stores. This will be so convenient to have especially in busy households.
