Sunday, April 19, 2020

Dressing to Impress During Quarantine


Many individuals have discovered Nintendo’s “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” game during this quarantine. With the stay-at-home order the players have found an escape through this “role-playing game in which a cutesy, cherubic character builds a community on a deserted island.” Since its release on March 20, the game sold nearly two million copies within its first three days of being released. With the game having such a high demand on the market, the Nintendo company has also sold out of their Switch and consoles which enable users to play the game.

Jonathan Villamar and Renzo Navarro are players who have spent hours designing their characters clothes. Throughout their time spent playing, they have recreated real world clothes that their avatar can wear. As Navarro was sharing his experience he said, he has been “Itching to wear something nice and the game has given him the ability, even if he can only wear it digitally.” Along with Navarro, many players have enjoyed and appreciate digital games like “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” because they are a part of what is getting them through these unprecedented times.

As I analyzed this article, I loved that it shared personal experiences of players around the world who are simply trying to get through these difficult times just like everyone else around the world. When it comes to the marketing strategy in this article, I noticed the Nintendo company developed and released their products while keeping their customers needs in mind especially during this quarantine. The strengths of this game for current players would be that it has allowed them to express themselves through their avatars, because the players can not physically do certain things right now.

1 comment:

  1. "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" game isn't the only game that has become popular since we have to us our imaginations to stay entertained during this quarintine. Some games like this one are funner than others nand like you, i love the shared experiences .
