Thursday, April 16, 2020

Trump’s Guidelines to Reopen Economy Put Onus on Governors

As we head to the end of this week, the biggest buzz in today's media is reopening the economy. While we are still far off from tracking every single case, we near close to the "end" of our "stay home work safe" order. Personally, it was a huge topic this past weekend when many were misinformed about Governor Abbott's executive order to open small businesses this week. It is Thursday and President Trump has given an outline or guideline for how states should handle reopening business. There are three phases and they are all dependent upon COVID-19 data. 
The first phase will consist of movie theaters, restaurants, sports venues, pleaces of worship  and gyms to open but with "strict social-distancing." Second phase would allow nonessential travel to resume and bars can open with some restrictions. In the third phase, all restrictions would be off and vulnerable people would be allowed to resume activities but with social distancing. The president made it clear that it would be on an individual state basis. 
One of the biggest critiques to these guidelines is the fact that if these restrictions were to be lifted, there could be another uprising of sick people again. Additionally, many policy makers are "eager to reverse massive job losses." There is still a lack of testing and the virus-tracing capabilities are still far from being able to reopen. I think it is an interesting article that will either age well or badly in the next couple of weeks. 

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