Tuesday, April 28, 2020

  1. Haile Hernandez
Title:WSJ Wealth Adviser Briefing: Liquor Sales Rise, Grocers Go Green, Europe Tourism Doldrums

Apr 24, 2020 6:00 am ET

This article talks about many industries and how they are doing during the CoronaVirus Pandemic. It discusses how banks are getting bigger, liquor stores sales increase, the tourist industry is hurting and much more. I found it very interesting when it explained that there is more money in the banks than normal. This is due to the lack of unnecessary spending people are doing. With the pandemic, people are only buying necessary items, leaving more money in their bank accounts than normal. This creates a big problem for the tourist industry. The tourist industry relies on tourists making impulse spending habits to make money. With no one being allowed to travel and most only buying necessary items, the tourist industry is really hurting. With that being said, a great way for them to bounce back is by really promoting a vacation once the pandemic is over. With everyone being stuck at home the first thing most people will do is leave their house and go somewhere. The tourist industry should really promote themselves to those who need a vacation. They can do this by showing commercials and ads directed to this audience. This will really help them bounce back from this dramatic drop. One industry that is doing well during this pandemic is liquor stores. During this pandemic there has been an increase in sales of alcoholic beverages. There is not an exact reason for this; however, it can be inferred that with more leisure time people are consuming more alcohol. The article believes that after the pandemic liquor sales will decrease dramatically because people are already stocked up on their liquor, but I believe sales will just go back to normal because liquor is loved by many.

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