One of the positive things to come out of COVID-19 is the storage/moving industry in New York City. From first hand experience, Ross Sapir talks about the increase in business he has had due to COVID-19 in New York. Many residents are looking to leave the city and many are not thinking of coming back. It was written that many will leave the city with no plans on where to go. They leave their belongings and call companies like Roadway Moving to help them gather their belongings from their apartments and transfer them to where they have settled. While it is seen as a positive for moving companies, it has added to the decrease in population that New York City has had in the past three years. There is fear that due to the pandemic and New York being an epicenter to it, the decrease in population may spiral out of control. Many have already found the city to be a dangerous place to live and living conditions are also not as hygienic. Regardless, the city's arts and cultural scene makes up for the cons to living there.
Despite this, there is optimism that New York will pull through. There are already plans drawn up to help the city improve its infrastrure and ensure that the people of New York feel safe and cared for after this pandemic. They want to make sure they keep their trust and plan to work with more businesses to promote the city.
While this may drive people away from New York City, there are still many optimists that are looking for the chance to secure a good place in the city. I would be one of them and as graduation nears, it feels a little more hopeful that I may one day end up living here. To the people already living there, I think it will take a lot of marketing strategy to ensure that they remain and that outsiders, such as myself, feel welcomed and safe. I think there will be a lot of target market involved and one of the things thats the most appealing about New York is their arts. While COVID-19 has instilled fear, it is definitely interesting to find out what will happen to New York in the coming years.
New York City is so small compared to other states and has more than half of the reported Covid cases in the U.S. It's good that people are trying to move away from New York and the bussinesses helping them are succeeding more than before the pandemic. However being that New Yorkers are most likely to be compromised with the virus, there is a greater chance that when they are trying to avoid catching it by moving away they could actually have it without knowing and spread it somewhere else. The future is so undetermined.